Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Great Meal Planning Adventure

It has started. 

One of the things we are going to try to do this year is meal plan. I think this will help us not only eat healthier, but also relieve some stress. If you know us at all, we also hate making decisions, so this will eliminate at least 3 choices we have to make each day. Its a win, win, win!

I looked for a couple weeks on Pinterest for a good idea to have a meal planning chart. I wanted something easy to look at, easy to put together and easy to see. Here is what I ended up making..

I kind of really love it! It works out perfectly for what we needed and bonus it doesn't take up any wall space!

What do you think of my meal planning fridge?


  1. Thanks! One week down and it has worked GREAT!

  2. Nice work! I'm afraid it wouldn't work at our house, Davanee is a little magnet thief :)
